They have two AoE attacks; a steam cone which comes from the Centurion’s chest, and a heavy attack where he swirls his arms around himself, this does a lot of damage and needs to be dodged or blocked. If your damage is good enough, you can kill her in this one phase. Even though their damage output is low, the Shalks should be killed quickly as the next wave of mobs gets triggered before they all are dead. Murder Of Fire - Stamina Dragonknight PVE Build This stamina Dragon knight build was made for the sole purpose of making the most out of the class in terms of damage and survivability for all round PVE for players of ALL skill levels and for ALL content. Lava Foot Soup-and-Saltrice buff-food is key to our sustain. Taking the axe sigil plus the Healing sigil right at the start of this round can make this wave a lot easier to deal with. You can find all our Pocket ESO Builds right here: Best ESO builds Dragonknight Class. Make sure to bookmark the link as I will keep updating the build for each new Update of ESO. It also does a shock breath, this attack is very slow and you need to avoid it. Fire Phase: The boss will stop and cast strong fire AoEs around and beneath him during this phase, forcing you to get away from him. You don't have a vMA/Master bow, then it's doesn't matter which set are both melee and bow (but needs to be the same). If you’ve ever wanted to carry a giant, flaming sword into battle then this is the build … With this synergy, you can stun all enemies in the entire arena. Crematorial Guards: These monsters usually are your focus targets. She is very slow and can easily be kited. After the first wave of mobs is dead, two Dremora Caitiffs will spawn, beware of their melee attacks while still staying close to them so they don’t use their critical rush ability. She will break the platform and if you are still on it while it breaks, you will probably die. Here are the recommended Red Champion Points for Maelstrom Arena Veteran. There is a total of three achievements that can be earned in the Maelstrom Arena. This is the easy mode. Always keep an eye on the boss to either interrupt his channeling attack or to dodge the skulls he shoots at you. After about five seconds, he will do his heavy attack and shoot a skull at you. 16.05.2020 Updated the Build for the GREYMOOR CHAPTER. Alcast didn't give the original created of the build credit at all and just because alcast is more popular it instantly is his build. Dwarven Spheres: These start to appear from Round 2 onward. Kiting is an important part of the arena. “Pentagram”-AoE: If you run into this AoE, it will root you. Damage Health Poison (Damage Poison, Damage Poison) (Fleshfly Larva, Nightshade, Nirnroot). In addition, you can also use the healing sigil, making it easier to combat the nasty bleed from the blades. If Maxus is in execute range at this point, just focus him down at his new position and ignore the two adds that he spawns there. The Ritual 64 Mighty, 40 Thaumaturge, 52 Precise Strikes, 53 Piercing The Atronach 61 Master-at-Arms The Apprentice The Shadow 31 Shadow Ward, 61 Tumbling The Lover 43 Tenacity, 56 Mooncalf The Tower 56 Warlord, 23 Bashing Focus The Lord 32 Quick Recovery The Lady 49 Hardy, 49 Elemental Defender, 48 Thick Skinned The Steed 61 Ironclad, 31 Spellshield, The Ritual 56 Mighty, 34 Thaumaturge, 34 Precise Strikes, 42 Piercing The Atronach 34 Master at Arms The Apprentice The Shadow 25 Shadow Ward,  57 Tumbling The Lover 43 Tenacity, 49 Mooncalf The Tower 23 Warlord, 3 Bashing Focus The Lord The Lady 49 Hardy, 49 Elemental Defender, 37 Thick Skinned The Steed 37 Ironclad, 28 Spell Shield, The Ritual 16 Thaumaturge, 27 Mighty, 18 Precise Strikes, 23 Piercing The Atronach 16 Master at Arms The Apprentice The Shadow 13 Tumbling, 13 Shadow Ward The Lover 27 Tenacity, 32 Mooncalf The Tower 15 Warlord The Lord The Lady 27 Hardy, 27 Elemental Defender, 28 Thick Skinned The Steed 16 Ironclad, 2 Spell Shield. Conal scream; this attack will stun you if you get caught by it. You can run beneath him and damage him while he makes his way around the arena. This one looks like an axe and greatly increases your damage done. Once that enemy is dead, you can focus on the other ones. Note: You can miss an obelisk mechanic (Webspinners, Hoarvors or a combination of the two) two times. Alcast has been playing The Elder Scrolls Online since the Beta and has knowledge of all types of classes and builds in the game. Our updated ESO Character Builds do 21,250+ DPS and can double the effectiveness of your healing and tanking. Halfway through the round, a Crematorial Guard will spawn together with a Dremora. False God’s Devotion: Amazing set for magicka dragonknight, giving us some much needed cost reduction on the 5 piece as well as our minor slayer bonus to increase our damage against dungeon and trial monste… Dragonknights have powerful passives such as Battle Roar, Helping Hands, World in Ruin and Combustion that boost our sustain tremendously. They can also do the same melee AoE attack the little Centurions did before; it’s the attack where they swirl their arms around their bodies. A Crematorial Guard and a Dremora spawn at the beginning of this round. This will activate a portal which you can activate to get to the upper part of the room. The Miniboss of this round is a Lurcher enemy, called “Infernal Destroyer”. I recommend starting on the platform with the Speed Sigil, as the first pair of adds will spawn here. Not using the right buff-food as listed will also result in sustain issues. You can now immediately deal a lot of damage to the boss, with an ultimate ready you can possibly get her to execute range until the stun wears off, and if you are quick, you can kill her without having to deal with the Obelisk mechanic or any other mob again. This round starts with two healers and a melee add. Once he is at 25% of his health, additional mobs will appear, you really need to execute the Captain quickly then. Tip: As a new player I also recommend using the axe and shield sigil, this will make the fight a lot easier. Trolls: Every 20 seconds, a Troll will spawn in the middle of the arena and randomly run to one of the three platforms. If you want, you can charge your ultimate on him as this will be very useful of the start of the next round. Outheal the small fireballs he shoots at you and dodge his heavy claw attacks. He has the same attacks as the two before him. The second wave consists of two Gandrakyn healers and a Kyngald fire caster. At the end of the round, the third Infernal Destroyer will spawn, together with a fire Shalk and a fire caster. Make sure to not forget to loot your chest and hand in the quest after going through the portal! Pve builds for all content along side pvp builds for battlegrounds and cyrodiil. This can be easily avoided by simply stepping out of the AoE marker. Continue damaging the boss and avoid his attacks as good as possible. 17.08.2020 Updated the Build for the STONETHORN DLC, Greymoor Chapter. Since we cant activate a major resistance buff inside of werewolf form, using Chudan allows us to cap our resists by giving us the major resistance buffs passively, making us as tanky as possible (resistance wise) in vMA! Both the healing sigil and the speed sigil are very useful in this stage, don’t hesitate to use them if you are struggling. The Bone Colossus deals a lot of damage with his physical attacks and can also cast a potent fire attack. Then kill the Berserker before turning to the archers. Here's how you can replicate it in the world of Skyrim. Make sure it doesn’t heal itself up again and kill it quickly. However, Velidreth, Maarselok or Stormfist are also nice choices. Argonian Venomshot: If no Venomcaller is up, those are the most dangerous mobs. At 50%, a snake will spawn. If you are too slow, the healers will heal the remaining melee add to full health again, so you really need to kill the Caitiff fast. Make sure the last remaining Warding Stone is the one closest to the axe sigil. Interrupt them or dodge it. Several daedra will spawn, luckily there are never many at the same time. At the end of each round, a named miniboss will spawn, make sure to kill the other enemies first before focusing the respective bosses. I recommend having at least 300 Champion Points before you try out the veteran Maelstrom Arena. A healer, a fire Atronach and the miniboss will appear already. Giants (Round 4): They have very, very strong AoE attacks. Very similar to round 1, but additionally, Webspinners will spawn from now on and try to cover up obelisks you previously freed from webs. A Dremora Kyngald fire mage and several Fire Shalks will spawn. Kill them fast, if you are slowed down too much you will be unable to hide from the spider swarm or move out of the lightning strikes. They will spawn at the edge of the arena and slowly walk towards the middle, make sure to kill them before they arrive there and don’t let them do their summoning ritual. Do so in every round that follows. You will want to stay rather close to them, however, enemies will get a strong damage shield when they step into a pool, so don’t camp inside them. Welcome to our ESO Stamina Dragonknight DPS Build called The Butcher. Lesser experienced players if they have the gear and understanding of the class WILL perform exceptionally well with this and I would by all means encourage you to try it out…but this is aimed at people with a GOOD amount of … At the end of round 2, you will encounter the Queen’s Champion who is accompanied by two Lamia. For people that do not have all the gear yet can use the Setup 2 which is easier to obtain and beginners can use Setup 3. You will have to deal with several waves of different types of Spiderkith enemies. The Lover Mundus Stone is the best choice for our setup, it will increase our overall damage the most as penetration is the most valuable damage increase stat. Plus this build does tons of TOXIC DAMAGE! Alcast also publishes videos on, © 2020 by Alcast® | All rights reserved. Once they are dead, the miniboss will spawn on the first platform (healing sigil). Make sure to bookmark the link as I will keep updating the build for each new Update of ESO. As soon as the first set of flowers has exploded, new ones will grow and immediately explode again. You can take your time, keep an eye on your resources and play each mechanic when it happens. When the last of the three mobs is at around 25%, three additional Dremora will spawn, this time it’s two melee Caitiffs and another Gandrakyn healer. The miniboss is a Wamasu which can deal serious damage. Stamina Werewolf Build easy mode Maelstrom Arena Clear. A few seconds after firing his first skull at you, the boss will start charging an attack. Aihrima (Round 2): She is the miniboss of round 2, she is a lightning mage who will cast a liquid lightning ability on you. Attention: Together with the Ogrim, two Narkynaz summoners will spawn at the same time, make sure to kill them both before focusing the Ogrim. That’s the reason why it is important to kill the healers before porting to the upper level. Interrupt this immediately, the damage is quite insane as it gets stronger the longer it’s active; it can be dodged. Alcast also publishes videos on, © 2020 by Alcast® | All rights reserved. When you activate another portal and go back up, the DoT will have reset. This stage is a sustain check because you need to constantly heal, which drains resources fast. Dwarven Centurion: These serve as mini-bosses at the end of each round. An easy approach to this fight is to destroy two Warding Stones (take your time with this and charge your ultimate if it’s not ready yet) and then kite the boss until the first Kyngald appears. Queen’s Champion (Round 2): This is an Argonian stamina sorcerer using a two-handed weapon. Potions are another very important part of resource management. Dodge their light attack when they appear, then damage them. ESO Dragonknight Builds. If they manage to fulfill their ritual for around 15 seconds (note: this means 15 seconds in total; so if the first Dremora summons for e.g. The spiders deal a lot of damage and are very tanky, you won’t be able to kill them. Don’t hesitate to use an Ultimate on the Crematorial Guard if you jump or fall down. Not trying to knock on alcast at all but there is a build months ago before his that was easy flawless runs using WW on youtube. Crushing Shock would be an example of a ranged interrupt that everyone has access to as a magicka character. However, a healer will not die. The safe way is to damage them after each other so you don’t have to deal with two enraged trolls at the same time. Once he shields himself as well, continue with the third centurion, who will likely be doing his shooting attack too once he spawns. Maxus’ most dangerous mechanic is the black ground he summons. The Centurions will run towards you and do a steam breath attack, you can just sidestep out of the cone. You also have to focus the Crematorial Guard if your explosion synergy is not ready yet. Kill the spawning leimenid again. All the sigil buffs have a duration of 30 seconds. Copy Our Top Performing Dragonknight Builds. If you are close to him when he starts that and you don’t block, it will knock you down and deal a lot of damage. At the end of round 1, a Wamasu will spawn and together with it, a Brute and a Summoner appear. If you would rather skip all the work and just get a huge list of perfect build templates for all roles and playstyles, you should get our Character Builds Guide where we walk you through step-by-step how to copy the best builds within minutes and you can become one of the top Dragonknights in The Elder Scrolls Online. We are preferably using Essence of Weapon Crit potions to gain another 40% Stamina Recovery boost, 12% Weapon Critical and a Health boost. By Charles Burgar Published Jun 01, 2020. At his new position, Voriak Solkyn will start channeling his “Necrotic Swarm” attack and shoot skulls at you, you absolutely have to interrupt that attack as soon as possible. All these things are important, I will give you one example to showcase how fast you can lose power. After around 20 seconds into the fight, two Argonian Minders will spawn. She also has a large ground AoE shock explosion, this can oneshot you if you get hit by it, move out of the growing AoE as soon as it appears. Ash Titan (Round 5): He shoots fireballs at you, they do little damage. . Just don’t lose your nerve and stay focused, if you got this far, you will manage to kill Voriak Solkyn as well. Congratulations, hopefully you made it! Heavy Attacking is a good option on this build because your Heavy Attacks get boosted by the Molten Armaments skill. You have to reset her enrage stage by stunning her. Overall, they are not really difficult to deal with, even though their rock throw can oneshot you when they are enraged. They deal a lot of damage and you want to avoid getting hit by them. Get rid of those first as they don’t have a lot of health, deal with the troll the same way you did in Round 1. If the fight takes too long, you will see two Centurions active at the same time, if this happens, the fight gets a lot tougher. Dragonknights have a few very unique passives that help them with sustain. Blademaster’s Mauve Dye – Maelstrom Arena Champion Achievement, Maelstrom Baron Polymorph – Maelstrom Arena Conqueror Achievement, The Flawless Conqueror Title – Maelstrom Arena: Perfect Run Achievement. Once the third one goes inactive, the first one will become active again. |, Pet Sorcerer Heavy Attack Build [Summoner], Magicka Dragonknight Beginner Build 160CP, Stamina Dragonknight Beginner Build 160CP, 1 Bar Sorcerer Build Maelstrom & Vateshran, Full Antiquities List with Locations of Leads, Dwarven Ebon Wolf Mount Item Location List, Monster Sets for Solo Stamina Dragonknight, Important Info (Food, Mundus, Race, Potions, Passives, Attributes), Vateshran Hollows & Maelstrom Arena Setup, Stamina Dragonknight Beginner 160CP Build. After this, the next wave of mobs will spawn on the platform with the healing sigil. (If the boss catches three golden ghosts himself, he will start his “ultimate” attack; a storm will cover the whole arena and you will get a massive DoT from Voriak Solkyn’s “soul churn” ability, that’s the same damage over time you got while being upstairs killing the crystals. They have very low health and die quickly. Drag them to a covered pillar and kill them there. We don’t need the Major Brutality buff from the potion because we already get that through the skill Molten Armaments. The build relies on shock AOE damage and DOT spells that can melt your targets fast. Lurchers: Similar to the flesh atronachs, they will do their usual pounding attacks. If you just stand there, you will get a lot more incoming damage if all the monsters attack you. You can also use normal potions that drop from monsters. Build Overview. After this, more Spiderkith Daedra will appear and then a second Flesh Atronach. After that, you will have to deal with another healer and a melee Dremora. The passive Battle Roar gives us a big boost in resources every time we activate an Ultimate. After that, two Lurchers spawn, they are the mini bosses of this round and the last mobs before the boss fight. If this is not enough to kill him yet, kill the spheres that have spawned and move back below the boss’ feet as soon as he gets up again. He also has a poison cone attack that is easily avoided. Wrecking Bite: if you get close to him and he manages to stun you with his smash attack, he will use this bite. If you have watched a Youtube video of a score run by one of the top players and just try to copy what they do, you will most likely be in a lot of trouble because those players have spent countless hours in Maelstrom Arena, they know every single spawn point by heart and their tactics and builds don’t allow any mistakes. Make sure to not stand too close to him at this point or you will get hit by several fire waves at once. Maelstrom Arena: Perfect Run – Complete Maelstrom Arena on veteran difficulty without dying or leaving the arena. They are followed by a Berserker and another Venomshot. In this guide we will cover everything you need to know about Dragonknight tanking. Xivilai Toxicoli (Round 4): His light attacks deal low damage, but watch out for his wrecking blow. Stranglers: During the whole time, stranglers will spawn. Kill them fast, if you are slowed down too much you will be unable to hide from the spider swarm or move out of the lightning strikes. Avoid their conal club attacks and especially the “stone waves” they send out in a cone in front of them. Lava: if you get close to the edge of the arena, lava balls will fly at you. Spiderkith Captain (Round 3): He is a stamina sorcerer with a two-handed sword. Destroy the stones again with the same tactic; take a short break after the second one to kill another spawning flame caster. As soon as three golden ghosts have appeared, Voriak Solkyn will summon a Crematorial Guard. The Flame Knight’s attacks do insane damage. The sigils can also help you a great deal during the fight. You have to deal with several waves of Dremora again. They are hard hitting enemies, try to kite him and avoid his attacks. If you have your ultimate ready at the start of the round, use it on the first wave of mobs on the Speed Sigil platform. It’s an archer and a melee add. If they live too long, they will merge with him and heal him a lot. Spider Daedra (Boss fight): Those large spiders will spit at you and slow you down more and more with each spit attack. This round, you will have to fight against another Flesh Atronachs and a Spiderkith Enervator mage. Humanoid Scavengers; the mages will heal their allies and should be focused first. Kill the Heartfinder first, but beware of the Frostbiter’s wrecking blow ability. Destroy the one Warding Stone that got restored to be able to damage the miniboss and then focus on the Infernal Destroyer. Wamasu (Round 1): This mob is the miniboss of round 1, it has a strong conal tail swipe attack that you should step out of. The lava stuns you if it hits you. You can drag out this fight until you have four of the obelisks uncovered, this will give you a great start to the following boss fight. If the poison covers the whole shielded area and hits you, your chances of survival are low. The speed sigil comes in very handy here. If you want to learn more about the different racial passives that each race offers, check out my Race Guide which explains everything in detail. Place your ground AoEs on both the stone and the boss, quickly grab the axe sigil and destroy the stone so the boss gets stunned. If you have a good feeling for the timing, you can start damaging the Minder during the last seconds of the scream phase so he dies before dealing damage again, but this is a bit risky as you really don’t want to kill the Minder too early. The main mechanic of the fight is time based, so you really want to deal as much damage as possible. As always, focus on the healers first. If she becomes immune again, you will still have dealt a great amount of damage to her this way and can probably burn her in the next stun phase. Dremora Narkynaz (Round 4 and last phase of Boss Fight): Those Dremora spawn at the edge of the arena and slowly walk towards the middle. |, Pet Sorcerer Heavy Attack Build [Summoner], Magicka Dragonknight Beginner Build 160CP, Stamina Dragonknight Beginner Build 160CP, 1 Bar Sorcerer Build Maelstrom & Vateshran, Full Antiquities List with Locations of Leads, Dwarven Ebon Wolf Mount Item Location List, 1 Bar Pet Sorcerer Build – Easy vMSA clear. Alcast has been playing The Elder Scrolls Online since the Beta and has knowledge of all types of classes and builds in the game. Once he is dead, the Xivilai Toxicoli will appear. They will spawn after one another and go into a shielded/inactive phase from time to time, you usually have only one of them active at once. Attention: If you are wearing the Grothdarr monster set, you might want to change to a different one for this fight. Two archers and an Ogre will spawn on the platform with the speed sigil. On this page you will find an updated guide on the class, gear, champion points and everything you need to know for Stamina Dragonknight DPS. Once the boss is stunned, use your ultimate and burn her down, the Lurcher should die from cleave damage. The blades put a nasty bleed dot on you and are more dangerous than the regular mobs. The buff-food gives you Max Stamina and Stamina Recovery, a lot of it. Save your ultimate till 50%, because then the Snake will spawn, that way you can kill the snake pretty fast. For a more traditional StamDK PVE Build take a look at Venomous. Our focus with this build is survivability. On the last platform (the one with both the power and the shield sigil), the last wave of mobs will spawn, again an archer and frost mage. Focus one of the Minders down immediately, preferably the one who’s further away from the boss. Maelstrom Arena Weapons drop in both normal and veteran mode. By activating the axe sigil, you will get a huge damage boost, the shield sigil is nice because it will reflect the light attacks of the boss back to him. Flesh Atronachs: Their basic attacks deal a lot of damage, dodge them! Light Attack: He shoots a small projectile at you, doesn’t deal a lot of damage. Leimenid Oracles: they have strong ranged attacks. Interrupt his smashing attack on the platform he runs to or kill him from range. After additional waves of Dremora, an Ogrim will appear. If you are looking for a … You can also buy Repair Kits from Guild Traders, which is usually cheaper then using the repair function on the NPC. Dwarven Spiders: They don’t do much damage to you, nevertheless you should make sure to kill them quickly. Welcome to the Maelstrom Guide for ESO. You need to kill them before they do so. Focus the Firecaster down before then killing the Shalk. I will explain this fight in three phases: The boss will spawn in the middle of the arena and run to the platform where you are. After this, two Venomshot archers will spawn. If the damage gets too high and becomes too difficult to outheal, jump down again. He spawns on the north side of the arena and will start moving around the arena in a great circle, counterclockwise. He also does a slow heavy attack with his claws, dodge this. Watch out for the Nightblade stuns; apart from that, they shouldn’t pose any threat to you. Argonian Berserker: They use Nightblade abilities and their stuns can get annoying to break free out of. They are not particularly difficult, this round serves as a warm up for you so you can get the hang of the Hoarvor/Obelisk mechanic. There, he will begin to smash the platform with his fists. These spiders will spit at you and slow you down more and more with each spit attack. This is important because the Light Attacks deal very good damage and proc your Weapon Enchantments and Poisons. All but one obelisk will be covered in the beginning. Stop whatever you are doing at that moment and focus the Venomcaller down immediately. Tip: Make sure that you do destroy the platform with the shield and axe sigil at the end, so you can easily pick both those sigils which will increase the chance to win tremendously. You should get the boss to at least 50% until you stun her. At the middle of the round, another Flesh Atronach will appear. The Crematorial Guard spawns out of the portal that’s close to the “door” at the edge of the arena. If possible, try attacking him from range until he is finished with this attack. Make sure to absolutely avoid running with a blade. If the boss isn’t dead after another 20 seconds, a new pair of Argonian Minders will spawn and you have to repeat the scream mechanic again. You should be able to easily out-dps this mechanic though. After the three Dremora are dead, a single Ogrim will spawn. Watch out for the Kynlurkers, those are nightblade-like enemies that can stun you with ambush and soul tether. When they are low health, they will start pounding on their chests and heal themselves. Most gear sets for this build can be easily farmed or bought on guild traders and the easy one bar rotation means no complicated bar swapping is needed. Another wave of adds will spawn now, you can simply ignore them thanks to the shield sigil because both are ranged. Welcome to the Solo Stamina Dragonknight Build for Elder Scrolls Online.This build is optimized for solo play. Infernal Destroyer: Those Lurchers serve as the mini bosses for Rounds 1, 2 and 3. Dwarven Sphere: They shoot darts at you which don’t deal much damage. Flame Atronach: They cast fire light attacks and fire AoE’s, not very harmful. Avoid his attacks as they hit hard. They also have a conal tail swipe. If you get close to them, they have a swirl AoE attack. The “Valakas” build is made for PvE Trials, Dungeons & Arenas.If you are new to Magicka Dragonknight or ESO please make sure to also read the New Player Beginners Guide and the Magicka Dragonknight Beginners Guide, there are a lot of Beginner Guides that you can check out.Magicka Dragonknig… Golden ghosts will continue to appear, so as long as you don’t let the boss catch three of them and you make sure to kill the Dremora Narkynaz mages before they summon the Bone Colossus, you can technically play this phase as long as you want to and are able to sustain it. Your first priority has to always be to stay alive. This is time triggered, the first one will likely appear towards the end of round 1. Keep moving out of the appearing AoEs if this happens, it’s easily avoidable. Poison attacks: he will throw a small poison AoE on the ground, can be easily avoided. His negate ability can also become annoying, especially if you are playing on a magicka character, get out of it as fast as you can and save your ultimate until after he casted the negate. Also, the third wall will move incredibly fast, likely forcing you to sprint and burn stamina this way as well. Her enrage stage gets reset if you stun her with the obelisk mechanic. However, you might want to get the Major Savagery buff from somewhere else then. After around 10 seconds, a Dremora Gandrakyn healer will spawn and the boss will port away from the middle, most often close to the spawn position of the healer. It’s only one this time so it shouldn’t pose a threat to you. Setup 1 is the preferred setup. This combination can be deadly; if you manage to survive it, the bite will put a heavy bleed DoT on you. Kill them as soon as you see them or you won’t have save spot from the swarming spiders. Shock Field: in the center of the room you can see a shock field.

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